

I am trying out Ortho4XP. There are two versions: v1.20 that is downloadable from a Dropbox location and v1.30 that is maintained on Github. I have tried v1.20 first, but decided to switch to v1.30, because it was recommended to me. Indeed, there’s a difference between the usability of the two versions.

Where to get it

  • v1.20: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cjjwu92mausoh04/AACt-QzgMRwKDL392K_Ux3cPa?dl=0
  • v1.30: https://github.com/oscarpilote/Ortho4XP (see the next section on how to download Ortho4XP, with git)

How to install and start it


  • You’re using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (other Debian-based distributions might work as well, YMMV)
  • You’re using a graphical login
  • You know how to open a terminal window
  • You know how to enter commands in this window

First, we need to install git. Git is a version control system that is used by software developers. Since Ortho4XP v1.30 is maintained in a git repository at github.com, we can ‘clone’ the repository. Installing git can be done as follows (please note that you might be prompted for the password of the user you’re currently logged in as, this is necessary for privilege elevation as programs need to be installed as root using apt):

sudo apt install git

The next step is to clone the Ortho4XP repository locally. It is wise to create a directory to store this repository. I have created a directory ‘Github’ in my home folder. You can do so too:

cd && mkdir Github

Next up is cloning the repository. Git wil download a copy of the repository on github.com with this command:

git clone https://github.com/oscarpilote/Ortho4XP.git

Now we enter the newly created directory:

cd Ortho4XP

We also need to install some packages that Ortho4XP depends upon. I could’ve installed them with the ‘apt install’ command above, but prefer to keep this here as this is what is documented in the Ortho4XP documentation (see Install_Instructions.txt when in doubt or when you want to doublcheck things regarding the installation). The required packages can be installed with this command:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-requests python3-numpy python3-pyproj python3-gdal python3-shapely python3-rtree python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk p7zip-full libnvtt-bin freeglut3

Some of these packages may already exist. That’s ok. Once you’ve installed these packages, you can start Ortho4XP as follows:

python3 Ortho4XP_v130.py

This wil open a new (graphical) window and you’re all set to go and use Ortho4XP.

Setting it up

Coming soon.


Q: The error 'ERROR: the DSF boundaries are out of range. This can indicate a missing or corrupt sim/dimension properties' appears when generating an overlay.

A: You’re probably missing the 7zip uncompress binary, which can be installed with sudo apt install p7zip-full