ALT7700 A site about flight simulation - building a 747 cockpit

Arduino and CentOS 6

Since my flight sim pc is a CentOS 6 desktop and I am attaching my Teensy handywork to this pc, I wanted to run the Arduino software on this pc (the Arduino software is a prerequisite to the Teensyduino software used for the Teensy boards). This proved to be a bit of a challenge, but I succeeded with the help of some information on the interwebs…

Here we go:

  • You need to enable the EPEL repo as per the instructions here
  • Install the following packages: avr-gcc, avr-gcc-c++, avr-libc, rxtx and openjdk:
yum install avr-gcc avr-gcc-c++ avr-libc rxtx java-1.6.0
  • Note that this will install additional packages as well (they are prerequisites for the packages you want to install)
  • Download the Arduino software from into your Downloads folder
  • Extract the zip file: tar -zxpf arduino-1.0-linux64.tgz (we’re assuming the 64 bit version of the Arduino software being installed here)
  • cd into the arduino-1.0 folder
  • Run the Arduino software: ./arduino

And you should be able to start the Arduino software! Once you’re here, you can continue with the Teensy software. The Teensyduino (or Teensy installer) installation is explained on the PJRC website ( The most important thing to remember is that you must select the folder you installed the Arduino software in.